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Suncheonman Bay Wetland Reserve, Suncheon, South Korea

One day in November 2018 without any planning I happened to be in the vicinity of the Suncheonman Bay Wetland. I was on my way back to Geoje island after visiting Seonamsa temple located at the east end of Mt. Jogyesan. After seeing the crowd in front of the entrance to the wetland area, I decided to check it out.

It took more than an hour to get a parking spot, and it was almost 4 pm in the evening. Fortunately I could buy the ticket just in time to enter the area. It was a very festive mood. After listening to a piano-violin concert for sometime, I started walking along the wooden pathways. It was a beautiful autumn evening and the tan reeds complemented the sky beautifully. It was absolutely breathtaking scenery. I was in the middle of the biggest colony of reeds in Korea!

I crossed a small bridge and followed the crowd towards a small hill without really knowing where they were heading to! After a small hike I reached an observation deck just before sunset. I could see the sun going down the hills at a distance across the bay.

After the sunset I walked back towards the parking lot and proceeded to Geoje. I was so happy that I could visit the wetland without really knowing about it. It was like a unexpected feast for a guest. Maybe it was my destiny to watch Mother Nature in all her glory on that evening!

Traveling is akin to moving towards one's destiny, and at times it will surprise us when we really do not know our destination. It opens new doors where one can look beyond what is right in front, and the awareness can reach beyond the thinking mind. At times, travels took me way beyond what I knew, into places that I never imagined.

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2 Kommentare

Bindu Anil
Bindu Anil
03. Mai 2021

Beautiful Shots Saji!!

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Thanks Bindu chechi

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